LUCA TURILLI’S RHAPSODY - New Album Release Date Set; Production Update Posted

February 9, 2012, 12 years ago

hot flashes news luca turilli rhapsody

LUCA TURILLI’S RHAPSODY, featuring Italian composer and guitar shredder Luca Turilli, will release their new album, Ascending To Infinity, on June 29th in Europe via Nuclear Blast (North American release date to be confirmed).

An update from the band states:

"The production of the new Luca Turilli's Rhapsody album is almost at the end. Luca, Dominique, Alex, Patrice and the new singer decided to update you about what is happening right now, while the whole band is investing contemporaneously its own energies in the new release, Ascending To Infinity, coming out on June 29th, 2012 for Nuclear Blast.

In some days Dominique and Patrice will start recording their guitar and bass parts in a French studio. Dominique is actually rehearsing the parts and on Friday will start recording the rhythmic guitar of half album and a couple of lead parts too. Meanwhile Luca is working on the second step of the arrangement process for each song, finalizing the keyboard parts and creating the sound design elements in his private home studio in Trieste, Italy. From tomorrow he will start recording the rhythmic and the main lead guitars too."

Luca states: “Hi to everybody, the last part of the arrangement process is very long and emotionally demanding but is also the most satisfying from an artistic point of view. I just finished to work on the keyboard parts of the song 'Dark Fate Of Atlantis' and on the sound effects needed to give breath and life to the same song. I needed almost one week to complete the last phase of the arrangements for it but this is the amazing step necessarily needed to turn a song from normal into “cinematic”. After many days and an infinite mind blowing search between intimate sounds and apocalyptic textures and effects, it is time for me to disconnect from that kind of spiritual experience and finally relax starting to record some guitar parts ha ha. From tomorrow I will have then two computers open in front of me: one to record the guitar and the second to bounce the first files for Sebastian, our studio engineer. Just to let you understand the amount of work necessary in this case: for a typical Rhapsody song of around 6 minutes like 'Dark Fate Of Atlantis' I will need around 12 hours to originate the audio files that then will be used for the mix. If you want to know more about these aspects related with the composition and arrangement process, I will just be happy to inform you from our band’s facebook page in the next days. Stay tuned!”

With over 60 minutes of music, the tracklisting to Ascending To Infinity is as follows:

'Quantum X'

'Ascending To Infinity'

'Dante’s Inferno'


'Tormento E Passione'

'Dark Fate Of Atlantis'

'Fantasia Gotica'

'Clash Of The Titans'

'Of Michael The Archangel And Lucifer’s Fall'

I. 'Alma Mundi'

Ii. 'Fatum Mortalis'

Iii.' Ignis Divinus'

Luca checks in with fans about the production that’s currently happening in Kempten, Germany at Sebastian Roeder’s Backyard Studios:

“Hi to everybody! The production is proceeding perfectly and my friend Sebastian and I are having a great time while working on the new album here in the cold Kempten, with the snow visiting us from time to time. Nice atmosphere indeed!

“As you know, in December Alex Holzwarth recorded all his drum parts. Right now we just ended the recording of the new singer and all the choirs. In some days, it will be time for Dominique (Leurquin, guitarist) and Patrice (Guers, bassist) to record their parts while I will soon go back to Italy. There, in my private home studio, I will record the rest of the rhythmic and lead guitar parts, the keyboard, and the piano and will finalize the last orchestral arrangements for the mix. All in all, the entire studio production of the new album Ascending To Infinity will last around four months, but this is normal considering the artistic ambition of the release, the rich presence of choirs and orchestra, the people involved, and the record company’s unique support.

“If you ask me which has been one the most exciting moments of the studio production, I can tell you that recording the new LT’s Rhapsody singer has been really amazing. I will use the words of my friend Sebastian to define the skill of the new front man: fantastic and with an unlimited potential. If you want to know more, I can tell you that on our band’s website. Exclusive news about him will soon be released. Stay tuned!”

Check the band's official website on February 27th for the exclusive presentation of their new, outstanding singer.

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