MONSTER MAGNET Frontman DAVE WYNDORF Comments On Beating Addiction To Prescription Drugs

August 6, 2009, 15 years ago

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MONSTER MAGNET frontman Dave Wyndorf is featured in a new interview discussing the band's return to Australia and beating his addiction to prescription drugs. An excerpt is available below:

Q: It’s been a long time since you’ve toured Australia, and a while since you’ve put out an album. What prompted the forthcoming Oz tour?

Wyndorf: "It’s been 10 years. What prompted it was me trying to make up for lost time. I lost us some time in the last 10 years. We usually tour for two years off a record but for Monolithic Baby we only did one, so we didn’t make it down to Australia again, for reasons that were totally my fault. I got horribly addicted to this terrible drug called Benzodiazepine, which I took for sleep. It’s pretty embarrassing that after years of being very good with drugs and stuff, I get addicted to a prescription drug. Unbelievable. But long story short, it put me down. Like, really put me down – life threatening and the whole bit."

Q: So was it the pressure of touring and the lack of sleep?

Wyndorf: "Sleep. Totally. I mean, there’s nothing pressured about touring, except for the fact that you never get enough sleep. At least, I didn’t. And I never realised just how wacky you go when you don’t get sleep. You really go crazy. It wasn’t as easy as ‘I need to sleep so let me lay down.’ I would lay down and not go to sleep. So as a result I would just get up and continue on with my life. And it drove me nuts. So then I got the pills and everything was cool until it wasn’t cool any more. There are certain things in life, natural functions, that if you rely upon an artificial remedy, you’re gonna pay for it. And I did. And now that that’s under control I’m like, ‘Let’s go!’ I had to be careful about what I promised I was going to do until I got my feet wet again, so that’s what I did."

Go to this location for the complete interview.

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