OBITUARY Add Australian Dates To Tour Itinerary

February 19, 2007, 17 years ago

hot flashes news obituary

Florida death metallers OBITUARY have added a string of Australian dates to their tour itinerary.

The band comment, "All is going well with the new DVD and we really appreciate all the support! Frozen Alive has sparked a bunch of new shows that we have set up! Here they all are and we are really looking forward to all of them. Some of the newer shows are in France, Mexico with SADUS and believe it or not we are finally going to make it to Australia! We have had offers in the past, but they just never worked out. This will be our first time in Australia, so for all of you that have emailed over the years about coming there, we finally will have a chance to meet! We also have some S. American dates we are working on and as soon as I find out for sure I will let you know.

We are still working on the new CD and are getting really excited about these new songs. This is some pretty sick shit! I still do not know what we are going to do about a record label. We are still talking with a few labels and trying to work something out! Hopefully something gets done soon, so we can move forward and concentrate on future events! We still plan on starting to record in March!!!"

Obituary's tour schedule is shaping up as follows:


24 - Los Angeles Murderfest 3.0 at Knitting Factory - Hollywood, CA


7 - Killer Fest - Chaulnes, France
8 - Hof Ter Loo (No Mercy Festivals 2007) - Antwerpen, Belgium
9 - 013 (No Mercy Festivals 2007) - Tilburg, Netherlands


3 - Ibex Bar - Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico
4 - Venue TBD - Torreon, Chihuahua, Mexico
5 - Circo Volador - Mexico City, Jalisco, Mexico
6 - Venue TBD - Jalisco, Mexico
16 - The Manning Bar - Sydney, Australia
17 - The Prince Of Wales Hotel - Melbourne, Australia
18 - Club Phoenix - Brisbane, Australia

As previously reported, Obituary hope to enter the studio in March to record their next album, with hopes to release the new material via Earache Records this year. Further updates to follow.

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