OBITUARY - New Album Title Revealed

May 24, 2007, 17 years ago

hot flashes news obituary

Tampa-based death metal legends OBITUARY have confirmed Xecutioner's Return as the title for their forthcoming album. The album's release date has been pushed forward to August 28 from the earlier announced September 11 date via Candlelight Records. The band are finalizing US touring plans now that will kick off in early September. Full tour details to be announced shortly.

The band are working with artist Andreas Marshall for the cover art for Xecutioner's Return. Marshall has worked with the band for The End Complete and their most recent record Frozen in Time. Tracking of the record has now been completed with mixing and mastering now on schedule in the coming weeks.

Obituary live dates include:


5 - Teatro Teleton - Santiago, Chile

6 - The Roxy - Buenos Aires, Argentina
7 - Bar Opiniao - Porto Alegre/RS, Brasil
8 - Hangar 110 - Sao Paulo/SP, Brasil
9 - Lapa Multishow - Belo Horizonte, Brasil


7 - Waldrock Fesival - Holland

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