OBITUARY's John Tardy: "The Best Thing For Us Has Been Our Fans"

March 15, 2007, 17 years ago

hot flashes news obituary

Masterful Magazine has issued an interview with OBITUARY vocalist John Tardy, conducted by Belgium based scribe Wouter Roemers. The following is an excerpt from the interview:

Q: Having been in the death metal scene for some time now - how has the scene changed from your perspective over the past decade? What would you highlight as positives and negatives of these changes?

A: "The best thing for us has been our fans! That is the only thing that keeps this band and this music going. Everything just seems to be the same as it always was around here! It is great! The worst thing turned out to be Roadrunner Records! What a disappointment!"

Obituary hope to enter the studio in March to record their next album, with hopes to release the new material via Earache Records this year.

Check out the full feature interview at this location.

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