OLYMPOS MONS Issue Band Update

June 1, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news olympos mons

Finland's OLYMPOS MONS have issued the following update:

"Here we go again, it's time for my monthly blog. Hope you all are doing well! Unfortunately I haven't much more news to tell you since last month. ?

I still don't know any details on the US release or anything else for that matter. It's seems impossible to get in contact with our label, the whole situation is getting ridiculous. I don't know what's causing this but I really hope it'll get better in the future. I recently received some live material filmed on our Irish tour in 2006 and from some other gigs here in Finland. We will go through the stuff with my friend (director) Chris Marins and see if we could get some usable material out of it. About gigs/touring there isn't much to say, some negotiations with booking agencies are still on, but nothing is decided yet. So we're still patiently waiting. I also promised last month to reveal some thoughts I've based my lyrics on, one song per month. This time it's about the song 'Medievil'.

MEDIEVIL (Warning! This following chapter is just my own personal thoughts and opinions, everyone's entitled to think or believe what they believe is right!)

Medievil tells the story of a lynch mob waiting for some cruel entertainment in the time ofthe inquisitions and the witch hunting. One night you celebrated the death ofa thief, witch or unbeliever and the next day it coud be your turn. I can't deny that Religion can be (in some rare cases) a way to salvation. But it can also be a tool for greed, manipulation and control. And it's been exactly that, for millions of people over the centuries. Religious leaders worldwide tells us that we're not smart enough or good enough to manage on our own and that we should follow their lead. Still the church is responsible for the bloodiest wars through history of man? People rely on ancient myths for answers when they should seek them in the society we live in today. I can't understand what I can possible have in common with a Jewish people living about 2000 - 4000 years ago. After all the bible is just telling a story of an ancient Jewish people that besides have been re-written hundreds of times just to suite different peoples purposes. These are the thoughts I created Medievil around but I had to find a simple and effective way to express it. And what could better describe the madness at it's peak than the inquisitions and the witch hunts."

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