PAUL STANLEY On Solo Dates: "There's Arguably More Power Than Some Of The Arena Shows We Do With KISS"

February 21, 2007, 17 years ago

paul stanley news rock hard kiss

Courier Mail has issued the following report from Cameron Adams:

KISS' PAUL STANLEY talks to Cameron Adams about performing unmasked...

Q: Your're touring your first solo album in 28 years, Live To Win. How is it playing without wearing make-up and no special effects?

A: "Surprisingly for some, there's arguably more power than some of the arena shows we do with KISS. There's nothing there to confuse anyone as to what the source of the power is. It's deadly good fun. This whole tour has reconnected for me why I got into music in the first place. I remember going to concerts as a kid, seeing Jimi Hendrix or Led Zeppelin playing for a couple of thousand people. It wasn't about big-stage presentations, it was about big belief in music."

Read the full interview at this location.

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