PILEDRIVER On The Passing Of Adrian 'The Energizer' Bromley - "He Was Highly Knowledgeable, Highly Influential, Highly Personable, And Highly Regarded"

December 8, 2008, 15 years ago

hot flashes news piledriver

Canadian metal legends PILEDRIVER have issued the following statement regarding the death of Adrian 'The Energizer' Bromley who passed away in his sleep on December 7th, 2008 at the young age of 37:

"Pneumonia. He was only 37. Not quite portly enough to join the Pile-band, but energetic and intelligently tenacious enough in the metal music industry to have earned himself the name Adrian 'The Energizer' Bromley. He'd worked with BW&BK;'s "Metal" Tim Henderson and Drew Masters back at the ol' M.E.A.T. magazine. He was with The End Records for some years, signing as many seminal acts as he had otherwise advised and helped along their way. He then branched into promotions work some years back, all the while heralding his globally popular and influential metal-mag Unrestrained. He was Ixmati Media. He was our publicist for the Metal Manifesto album. He was a fine, dedicated, and sharply funny friend, and with a few members of the band the relationship goes back over 10 years. He was highly knowledgeable, highly influential, highly personable, and highly regarded. He was an indispensable part of many a friend's musical career, and that of hundreds if not a few thousand others.

Sadly, last week he succumbed to pneumonia, and, globally, we metal musicians, fans, and friends, are much poorer for his loss. The only small blessing in this tragedy is that it is believed that he passed in his sleep.

For us to mourn Adrian's passing almost exactly a year after losing our former-manager and friend Ray Wallace is a doubly pensive hit around the Pile-camp.

Once again, only time will heal.

All our thoughts and wishes for healing to his family and friends and his bands and fans, Pile, Kinky, Lobo and Glace."

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