POSSESSED Frontman JEFF BECERRA - "Post Surgery Didn’t Happen Exactly The Way We Wanted"

April 25, 2021, 3 years ago

news jeff becerra possessed black death

POSSESSED Frontman JEFF BECERRA - "Post Surgery Didn’t Happen Exactly The Way We Wanted"

Possessed founder and vocalist, Jeff Becerra, recently underwent flap surgery. Jeff took to social media with the following message:

"Week eight, post surgery didn’t happen exactly the way we wanted. Dealing with an infection that popped up from where three incision points met. I’m hoping that with the help of strong antibiotics I can finally be ok for the first time in 11 years but it’s challenging to say the least. I’m staying here until I am healed or I run out of options. The US Joint Commission on Patient Safety estimates that more than 2.5 million patients in acute-care facilities suffer from pressure ulcers, and that 60,000 die from pressure ulcer complications each year."

Becerra's previous update from the hospital, posted on April 14th read:

"Week six after surgery. Had a skin flap reconstructive surgery which essentially is cutting out a large spot of flesh from my tailbone all the way down to the bone, grinding down the bone 🦴 and removing all the dead bone. After that, a horseshoe shaped incision is cut all the way around my buttocks and filleted, then a slash up the side towards my back to allow the entire piece to pivot over to cover the wound. The entire thing is then stitched 🧵 together from the inside, again stitched mid flesh, and stapled together all the way around. Special thanks to my plastic surgeon Dr Charles P Virden MD Reno Nevada (much# respect). This surgery may have just saved my life."

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