Producer ANDY SNEAP Checks In From The Studio, Photos Available; SABBAT DVD "In The Pipeline"

July 23, 2007, 17 years ago

hot flashes news sabbat dvd andy sneap

Rising producer and SABBAT guitarist Andy Sneap (MEGADETH, NEVERMORE, ARCH ENEMY) has issued the following update via his Backstage Studios site:

"So I'm trying to meet deadlines once again. This EXODUS album has been pretty brutal as far as hours and time. I flew out to San Francisco on June 10th, got off the plane at 5:30 PM and was in the studio by 8 PM, not one day off in 20 days, 14 hrs a day. That hurt, especiaOakland... yay! But it was fun, we always have a blast. I always say its like being in cartoon world working with Gary Holt.

MEGADETH has been going great, good chart positions all round, and I'm currently mixing/compiling a box set for EMI for an October release. I'm not saying anything more about it as I don't think details have been released on it.

Some albums worth mentioning that I've done of late, DESPISED ICON and JOB FOR A COWBOY. I became educated in different forms of blast beats which I didn't know existed. reeee reeee to the Canadians! As usual Monte at Roadrunner destroyed any chance of me enjoying the DEVILDRIVER mix by driving me insane with his constant emails, second guessing, Ted Jensen worship and .3db vocal pushes ;o) I've aged 10 years in 6 months. But the end result was worth it.

Sabbat gigs have been fun also. We played Ireland a

couple of weeks ago and it was by far the tightest we've played since we've been back together.

Upcoming shows are Wacken Germany August 3rd, Bloodstock UK August 18th, Up From The Ground Germany August 24th and Hole In The Sky Norway August 25th. No we are not writing a new album but DVD is in the pipeline.

Last couple of things... Peavey are running some pretty cool ads with me in and I've got an interview with BRUCE DICKINSON for the Friday Rock show in the next couple of weeks. Not sure on the broadcast date at the mo.

So I'm off, Exodus to finish, 6 songs into the mix. Check back in 6 months for the next exciting out of date instalment."

Check out some photos from the studio at this location.

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