ROKTOPUSS Post Live Video Footage Online

December 8, 2006, 17 years ago

hot flashes news roktopuss

Self-described as the "Desperate Housewives Of Rock", ROKTOPUSS, the new band featuring singer Lorraine Lewis (ex-FEMME FATALE), drummer Roxy Petrucci (ex-VIXEN), bassist E.J. Curse (NO DUH) and former MEGADETH guitarist Jeff Young, have issued the following update:

"Okay our first Blog... who came up with that word anyway? It's very fitting especially this early in the morning!

Excited to have some video footage up on our Roktopuss MySpace.... give everyone a taste of what we do live.

Some things never change, Roxy and I love to kick ass on stage.... we had so much fun on Halloween playing in Hollywood and we couldn't really keep our eyes off of each other considering it was our first live show together... she rocks!! And so do I!!

Throw in Jeff Young (he's bringing sexy back) and his monster guitar riffs and style... and my brother Rick helping out on bass... yes girls that's him from FF.... mister wonderful....we kicked big time!!

Looking forward to more shows in the new year... and Sunday I leave town to record with Michael Wagner (famous for SKID ROW)... so things are getting more and more interesting!

Cheers for now, Lorraine."

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