ROUGH SILK Issue Track-By-Track Overview Of New Album

March 29, 2009, 15 years ago

hot flashes news rough silk

ROUGH SILK founder Ferdy Doernberg has issued a track-by-track over view of the band's new album, A New Beginning. It is available below.

'Temple Of Evil' -- "About misused religion and all the fanatism that comes with it."

'Home Is Where The Pain Is' -- "About child abuse - a very sad thing!"

'Reborn To Wait' -- "A very sarcastic statement about the whole 'New Age' and 'Spirituality' thing that's going on at the moment. I'm half English and my lyrics have always contained a lot of dark British humor..."

'The Roll Of The Dice' -- "A mini-opera about life and the way things change the older you get. I really love the lyrics to this song."

'When The Circus Is Coming To Town' -- "The true story of a tragic love affair between a drum technician (roadie) and a groupie - it's a true story - but I changed the names."

'Sierra Madre' -- "Musically, a mixture of Italo-Western-music and trash metal - but the lyrics are about a person who has been diagnosted with cancer."

'A New Beginning' -- "A funny but also cynical Bob Dylan-like metaphor-story that contains some Yiddish (Jewish) language (I'm half-English with Jewish roots) and was written in New York City. I was there to do some studio work and really love this city. It's a melting pot of cultures and the people there have a very special kind of humor. Many Jewish and also many Arabian people live there peacefully together with Russians, Irish, Chinese, Italians, African and people from all over the world - and they all feel like New Yorkers but still try to keep their original culture as well. It..s a very interesting city."

'Warpaint' -- "About the situation of the Native Americans that was written after I had a conversation about this topic with Chuck Billy from TESTAMENT, who is a Native American. And a great guy as well. I'm really happy that he is that healthy again."

'We've Got A File On You' -- "A cool punk rock tune about goverments and conspiracy-theories that features our friends from SUBCULTURE SQUAD, an old school-hardcore/streetpunk-band from Hannover."

'Deadline' -- "About the music business and some critics who write bad reviews without even listening to the album they write about."

'We All Need Something To Hold On To' -- "A very spiritual song - I think the lyrics don't need to be explained - they speak for themselves."

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