RUNNING WILD - Official Website Undergoing Renovations, Seeking Fan To Write New And Improved Biography

November 14, 2007, 16 years ago

hot flashes news running wild

RUNNING WILD's webmaster has issued the following update:

"Dear Friends and Fans,

Since a long time already I am planning to re-design a new website and getting this forum updated as well. I believe many things will change and I hope everyone will be happy seeing that something is going on, going further, expanding and simply moving on.

The first step will be done by a new forum which I hope I'll be able to set it up with the beginning of the new year already. Because of safety reasons and because of the fact that many users did not return for a long(er) period now, I will delete every registered person starting with the new forum-software! This means: anyone who is still interested in the band and of course in staying in contact with some of the fans here around has to register again. The 'Charts' will be not part anymore, but I will presumably add some nice new things. Let's wait and see. However I will definitely keep some of the most interesting threads.

The website will be completely re-designed and also updated and upgraded as well. All the things I announced earlier already and/or some specials I have in mind, will be finally part of it! It will be interesting for everyone, believe me!

I can't give you exact details yet, and I am not willing to tell you any date when everything will be up and running. All I can say is that it is planned to be released starting with the new year or very early the next year (2008).

Request: The current biography reads simply too plain and everyone knows it already. So if YOU would like to write a new and much more interesting biography, preferably in ENGLISH and GERMAN (but at least in ENGLISH), please do so and send it to me. Of course your name will be mentioned as author directly under the text and in the credits.

Thanks, Cheers & Stay Wild!"

Check out the band's current forum here.

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