RUSH - Clockwork Angels Comic Book Due In March

December 11, 2013, 10 years ago

news rush rock hard

According to, RUSH make its way to the comic-book age beginning in March with the six-issue Boom! Studios miniseries Clockwork Angels, based on the group's 2012 concept album of the same name.

Rush lyricist/drummer Neil Peart hatched the coming-of-age story of a naive youngster in a turn-of-the-century world of airborne steam liners, pirates, carnivals, working alchemy and wind-up contraptions with novelist Kevin J. Anderson, who wrote the Clockwork Angels novel and is also penning the comic-book adaptation.

"It's just a beautifully painted world in the music that I tried to capture in the novel and now tried to turn into a different direction," says Anderson, who's working with artist newcomer Nick Robles.

"Who knows, we might have ice follies someday or a Broadway musical."

Clockwork Angels has grown far bigger than Peart ever imagined.

"Kevin and I had talked for years about combining a novel and an album in some fashion, but I guess the idea had to grow up as Kevin and I did — gaining maturity and confidence in our own separate crafts, while gaining the life experience necessary to give the story its scale and depth," Peart says.

"So, rather than a longtime dream realized, this project is more like a fantastic new dream unfolding before us."


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