RUSH - Toronto's Q107 To Air 90-Minute Snakes & Arrows Special

April 17, 2007, 17 years ago

news rush rock hard

Renowned radio personality Jeff Woods from Toronto's Q107 interviewed all three members of RUSH this week and was taking suggestions from fans for what questions to ask. He spoke with Alex Lifeson and Geddy Lee yesterday (April 16th) and Neil Peart today (April 17th). His blog(s) (courtesy of is as follows:

April 17:

"I had an hour with Neil today. First time ever. With few exceptions (BOWIE, STEVEN TYLER, RAY MANZAREK), rarely have I met someone so passionately and articulately expressive. With thanks to Neil, Geddy and Alex - I'm going to bring you a fantastic Rush premiere on the radio, with lots of 'extras' online thereafter. Here's the challenge - the radio show is 90 minutes and not even including music I have 90 minutes of the guys in conversation! That, and there's eight or nine (of 13) songs that I feel like I have to play! Fans will be able to hear 'em all, regardless, when the album (Snakes & Arrows) comes Tuesday, May 1st."

April 16:

"Alex and Geddy were just in my office and have answered a bunch of questions. I have posted some of the answers with more to come."

Q: Just wondering which song EACH member feels is the highlight of the album and what new ground each member has attained while recording Snakes and Arrows.

Alex - "'Working Them Angels'"

Geddy - "'Larger Bowl'"

Q: I would ask them if they're considering some dates in this side of the world, specifically Brazil, Argentina and/or Chile, my homeland.

Alex and Geddy say - "Trying, hopefully in '08"

Q: I'd love to know if the band would consider playing an "unplugged" type of show where the fans could get more acoustical interpretations of their songs, ala 'Resist' and 'Heart Full Of Soul' as they did on the R30 tour.

Geddy says: "How does that one go? Kidding, actually yes," and Alex says: "I'd watch."

Q: Not to make you guys feel old, but what keeps the creative juices flowing after all these years?

Geddy and Alex agree: "It's meat."

Q: I just want to let the band know the many of us fans feel that they overlook GREAT songs ... is there any chance for us Rush nuts out there to hear some more obscure rush songs or revamp the show on this tour?

Alex and Geddy haven't confirmed the set list but do acknowledge there's a chance you'll hear a song you've hoped for. 'Ghost Of A Chance' that is ....

Q: Do Rush plan on ever coming back to Atlantic Canada? It has been 20 years since they have played a show here.

Alex and Geddy say: "We'll try to get back before the end of this tour and will try to cover off as many Canadian cities we haven't scheduled yet ... will be another leg in '08!"

Q: How much of Snakes and Arrows will be appearing in the upcoming tour setlist?

Geddy says: "Hopefully at least 7 or 8 songs."

Q: Will 'Circumstances' be on the tour setlist?

Geddy says: "Maybe."

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