SNAKE EYES SEVEN To Return In 2009

October 23, 2008, 15 years ago

news rock hard snake eyes seven

Canadian metallers SNAKE EYES SEVEN disappeared from the scene as quickly as they appeared. Snake Eyes Seven released their debut on Chavis Records in 2007 and began playing US shows only to return back to Canada abruptly due to tension within the band. Founder and chief songwriter Cole Stevens put the band on hiatus while sorting out the issues and decompressing from the turmoil created.

Cole Stevens: "It took a long time to get things up and running and in a blink of an eye it was over. Once we returned from the U.S. things deteriorated quickly. Members left and I wasn't sure myself if I wanted to continue what I had started. It definitely took its toll on me mentally, physically and financially. As time went on I realized that I wasn't going to let the negative influences in the old band keep me from moving ahead with my music. My batteries were recharged and it was time to start all over again. I made a call to Chavis and asked Bill if he was still in my corner. Knowing that he is, made me more determined to prove that this is for real. Then I set out to find the best musicians I could which took time, but I got them."

The new SES line up is: Ken Stone (vocals), Moscow (bass), Johnny Bland (drums), and Cole Steven (guitar).

Snake Eyes Seven hit the studio earlier this year with 13 brand new songs and Cam McLeod (WHITE WOLF) producing. "This project is light years ahead of the debut. People are not going to believe it is the same band. Everyone in the camp is excited about the new material. All I can say is WOW! You just won't believe it." adds Bill Chavis

The band is currently finishing up recording and then it will be mixed before heading to L.A. for mastering.

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