STEVE VAI Wishes STEVE LUKATHER A Happy Birthday - "His Massive Talent Has Been A Deep Inspiration In My Life"

October 23, 2022, a year ago

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STEVE VAI Wishes STEVE LUKATHER A Happy Birthday - "His Massive Talent Has Been A Deep Inspiration In My Life"

Guitar legend Steve Vai wished Toto guitarist Steve Lukather a happy birthday on October 21st via social media. He shared the photo above and message below via social media.

"Happy Birthday to the one and only Father Steve Lukather. Looking back over my 42 year career, perhaps the real value is in all the people you meet along the way and the bond you create with them. And for that I cannot be more appreciative for Steve Lukather. His massive talent has been a deep inspiration in my life, along with his unique sense of humor and brother-like personality. He is an irreplaceable jewel in guitar history and is the warmest and most supportive friend a person can have. Happy Birthday, Brother."

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