STONE WHISKEY Release "Talkin' Dirty" Video

December 19, 2021, 2 years ago

news stone whiskey hard rock

STONE WHISKEY Release "Talkin' Dirty" Video

Eyes of fire, lightin up your face. Stone Whiskey continues to promote their incredible debut album, Rebels Of The Sun, with the release of a seventh single and video, "Talkin' Dirty".

North Carolina hard rockers, Stone Whiskey, released their debut album, Rebels Of The Sun, a record chock full of hard-hitting rebellious rock ‘n’ roll, in May 2021.

“This album screams rock ‘n’ roll from start to finish,” says guitarist Bill Spears. “It's got all the key ingredients I want in a band... killer vocals, big guitars, catchy hooks and stories delivered with just the right amount of swagger and character.”

Stone Whiskey’s classic, time tested sound was bought to life by producer Anthony Focx, whose more than 500 releases include Buckcherry, Night Ranger, Vince Neil, Daughtry, Aerosmith and 17 gold and platinum awards.

“Quarantine really gave us the time to focus on writing songs and recording the album,” says vocalist Alan Rueda. “Being able to work with a producer like Anthony Focx was awesome. He took what we had and made it sound like a rock album should sound.”

There’s no filler on Rebels Of The Sun, with each of the record’s nine tracks delivering a hefty dose of high-energy rock. Drawing comparisons to Guns N’ Roses’ early recordings, Stone Whiskey has already garnered praise for their classic sound, with fans enthusing that the Raleigh-based quintet is carrying the old school rock ‘n’ roll torch for a new generation.

“This album is made to be played as loud as possible,” notes bassist Jim Hunter. “If you dig albums like Guns N’ Roses’ Appetite For Destruction and The Cult’s Electric, Rebels Of The Sun just might scratch that rock n roll itch.”

Check out the videos for the first five singles from the release, the title track “Rebels Of The Sun”, “Into The Moonlight”, "Empty Eyes", "Feels Like Yesterday", and "Out On The City" below. 

Get your copy of Rebels Of The Sun here.


"Into The Moonlight"
"Empty Eyes"
"Rebels Of The Sun"
"Out On The City"
"Feels Like Yesterday"
"Talkin' Dirty"
"Livin' Wild"

"Livin' Wild" video:

"Rebels Of The Sun" video:

"Into The Moonlight" video:

"Empty Eyes" video:

"Feels Like Yesterday" video:

"Out On The City" video:



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