SUNLESS Stream New Song "Ascended Forms"

October 4, 2021, 2 years ago

news sunless black death

SUNLESS Stream New Song "Ascended Forms"

Dissonant death metal trio Sunless have premiered the third single from their forthcoming album, Ylem. Enjoy "Ascended Forms" via the YouTube clip below.

Sunless will release their sophomore album, Ylem, on October 29 on CD, vinyl, and digital formats via Willowtip Records. Pre-orders can be placed now at this location.

Part two of a trilogy, Ylem builds upon the concept and lyrical theme of the band's independently released debut album, Urraca, by reinforcing the mysticism of the previous album while exploring new themes of displacement, fear, wonder, and transcendence. With the addition of a new drummer and an evolving approach to songwriting, Sunless further develops their signature sound with increasingly diverse, dense, and technical offerings.

Best consumed whole, the experience of Ylem is as harrowing as it is satisfying, one rife with dissonant melodies and complex rhythmic structures, certain to leave an indelible mark on the listener's psyche.


"Spiraling Into The Unfathomable"
"Ascended Forms" 
"The Unraveling Of Arcane Past" 
"Flesh-Particle Amalgamation"
"Forgotten (Remnants Of Life)" 
"Perpetual Contortion"
"Molding Axioms Of The Metaphysical"

"The Unraveling Of Arcane Past":

"Forgotten (Remnants Of Life)":


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