Syncing LED ZEPPELIN Live Footage And Audio; Tutorial Video Streaming

January 3, 2024, 5 months ago

news hard rock led zeppelin

Syncing LED ZEPPELIN Live Footage And Audio; Tutorial Video Streaming

LedZepFilm has published a video explaining how he synchronizes live footage of Led Zeppelin with audio recordings. Watch below.

A message states: "I've recently received a lot of requests and comments asking for a "behind the scenes" video for how I approach syncing Led Zeppelin footage, so here you go! I walk through my background, general processes and cues for syncing, and possible setbacks I experience along the way. While it is not comprehensive, I hope this is a good example of my methods in action. If you have any questions, be sure to let me know in the comments!"

(Thanks: Led Zeppelin News)

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