TENET Guitarist JED SIMON On Debut - "I’m Sure There Are Some STRAPPING YOUNG LAD Influences On The Album"

July 15, 2009, 15 years ago

hot flashes news strapping young lad jed simon tenet

BW&BK; scribe Carl Begai recently caught up with ZIMMERS HOLE / ex-STRAPPING YOUNG LAD guitarist Jed Simon to discuss his new band TENET and the debut album, Sovereign. An excerpt is available below:

Were there ever any moments where things began to sound too much like a Strapping Young Lad or Zimmers Hole production? It’s fair to assume that putting the Simon / Hoglan / Stroud triumvirate back into action would yield similar material, forcing the band re-think the songs before calling them finished.

“No, never, because this is purely me from a writing perspective and there’s no outside influence at all,” says Simon. “That was never a factor me, and I don’t think that what I write sounds like Strapping or Zimmers Hole. I’d like to think that you can hear how I contributed to those other bands by listening to the Tenet record. I’m the chief writer for Zimmers Hole so that’s kind of a no-brainer, but what you’re listening to with Tenet is probably what I brought to the Strapping table. This album really is me, and that’s not from an ego perspective, it’s a fact.”
“I’d be a liar if I said I wasn’t influenced by the bands I’ve been in,” he adds. “I’m sure there are some Strapping influences on the album. I can’t pick them out but if you tell me you hear it in a passage somewhere, fucking cool. What this really says is that I’m a 45 year old thrash dude and that’s what I like (laughs).”

Go to this location for the complete story. A review of Sovereign is currently available here.

Go to this location for Tenet's official MySpace page.

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