THE HAUNTED - "If Your Heart Desires It, Paris Will Provide"

November 4, 2006, 17 years ago

hot flashes news the haunted

Peter Dolving, vocalist for THE HAUNTED, has posted the following blog on the band's MySpace site:

"Eindhoven and Paris

Paris. It's the biggest village in the world. I keep coming back to what a strange relationship I have to this place. I've never spent more than 24 hours in Paris in my life but I must have been here 15 times or more. All day is spent just kinda hanging around, waiting since the streets are so busy and narrow that the tourbus can't park at the venues. I went for a walk and got myself a new belt for €3, and just enjoyed the fact that for the first time in my life I wasn't drunk, stoned, or buzzed on something in Paris. Sure I have memories. But they're not the kind suitable for sharing. With anyone.I reckon you can figure it out all fine by yourself. Paris is the European equivalent of Babylon. If your heart desires it, Paris will provide. But for a sick puppy like me it never occured that Paris will also provide a thousand and one kind and beautiful experiences as well as all the perverse shit the human can come up with. I will say this again and again, I love playing in France. There is something pure about it. Metalheads mixin it up with punx and straight up hippies, Algerian gangstas smiling next to anarchist intellectuals. There is never a traditional moshpit in France, no, it's a mixture of dancing, pogo, moshing and something about it makes it feel like bein at a show with The Roots, or Galliano, music so far away from what we play, but in Paris that's what we get. It's incredible and fucking beautiful. I have one more thing to say about the show in Paris: Thank you!

Last night was Effenar in Eindhoven. I remember one of my first shows outside of Sweden in 1994 was at the Effenar. Back then it was a pretty worn venue, but still to me it was awesome. I was playing music I made somewhere far away from my own country. And these people where actually listening. Holland has this attitude, something that's taken me years to get my head around. They actually listen. I told the audience last night that it's hard to know if they are on drugs or just christian... That's kind of what it's like. I mean a guy like myself, I feed on reaction. I give out my life blood and sweat, and if I get a reaction it will fuel me up. Turn me on. Set me on fire. In Holland you got to be patient. Dutch audiences seem to be more about saviouring the experience. Taking it in, and when all is done they show what they think of it. I respect that. The Effenar today is together with the Patronaat in Haarlem the finest venues in all of Europe. Built for artist and audience. High class without fussing about. Great facilities, great equipment and great staff. To get to play at these places is an honour and a joy. Venues that make you feel cared for. Worth something.

Tonight we do another couple o hundred miles and get up to face another day tomorrow. I love this life... and yes, I know - I'm a total rock nerd.

Peace! / Pete"

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