THE PROJECT HATE Part Ways With Vic Records

May 28, 2010, 14 years ago

hot flashes news the project hate

Sweden-based death metallers THE PROJECT HATE have issued the following update:

"We are getting used to this now… Due to the financial situation and the complete lack of record sales for smaller record labels – Vic Records can’t hand us even the smallest budget for the next album. So instead of waiting for things to change (if they ever will) we have now parted ways with Vic Records so we won’t be sitting around for ages with material for a fantastic album that will never be recorded, or when it eventually gets recorded the songs are so old we all will be in our mid-50’s. That’s not too far away when we think about it really… But hey, the point is made.

We really did everything we could to bring the costs down for this album to help Vic out, but you at least have to have a minimum cost to record an album (if you don’t want your productions to sound like something Darkthrone just released – and hey, we think we need a better sound than that to make all details come thru to the listener). We sure would have appreciated to have been informed about this some time ago when we approached the label in question about the new album (and were assured everything was cool) instead of when we are finalizing the last song for the new album, just dying to start recording everything in a few months. It is what is is though.

However, we wanna thank Vic Records for the work they have done. They did what they could and we appreciate the effort. We sincerely hope they get the label out of the deep waters – K has known Vic-chief Roel for quite some time and his passion for the label is like K’s passion for his music. He deserves to get the ship sailing, dear Roel. Either way, this is what it looks like; downloading kills the record industry – that’s obvious. And ultimately it’s smaller bands (like us) and smaller labels (like Vic) who suffer the blow.

So, we have now started to look for a new label. To be completely serious we don’t know if we’ll get one becoz of the reasons mentioned above. Labels simply have a hard time recouping the costs they put in to get an album out and to say that they have to think twice before releasing anything – that’s an understatement. We’ll see what happens.

Interested parties can contact us at"

Lord K. Philipson recently issued the following update:

"Since we have written the first half (except for the lyrics for one of the songs) of the coming album already we are doing some pre-productions just to check things out (isn’t that what pre-productions are about?). Ruby (Roque; vocals) is planning to put down some stuff for the second tune this weekend, which feels great. As mentioned, the things she’s been sending over so far sounds absolutely amazing, so we are definitely looking forward to see what our new goddess is coming up with for this song. To hear the material come alive with her vocals really puts a smile on my face. We finally have a girl singing with an incredible range in her voice and the power to go with it, so to create this album with her (and not to forget – Tobben Gustafsson, who’s already in rehearsal mode) in mind feels majestic.

Sitting here, working on the new material… It’s all coming together on each and every level and listening to the demos we have made so far makes me real proud of what we are creating – the finest album of our career. It will sound different compared to our older material, though it will still sound the same. Different as in the fact it will sound more 'expensive' (an expression Dan Swanö likes to use and it really nails what I mean) and it will definitely be darker than anything we ever put out in the past. I have always been inspired when it comes to creating music for TPH, but this time the urge to compose is greater than ever.

I have never been so jacked up about any material we have written before, and fuck knows I have been ecstatic about everything we have done – and rightfully so. Still there’s tons and tons of work to be done but I’ll keep you updated as often as possible on the process leading up to the finished product."

Stay tuned for further updates from the band.

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