THE WILDHEARTS' Ginger - "Day 9 - Snack Or Famine"

April 10, 2009, 15 years ago

news the wildhearts rock hard

THE WILDHEARTS frontman Ginger has issued the following recording update:

"Ouch! Ate breakfast a bit too close to running today. Should have stretched properly yesterday too. The result? I hurt like a motherfucker, but in a strangely pleasant way.

Denmark really is a beautiful place to go jogging around in. All sprawling fields and farmland. Running through areas where cows watch from within their iron prison enclosures sure makes a carnivore rethink the next steak. Pity, then, that God made filet mignon taste so fucking good, huh?

Anyway I always forget that fruit really makes sense when exercising again. It's like your rapidly detoxifying body is grabbing for those nutrients with real gratitude.

I also find that I want to smoke more when I'm getting fit. A friend of mine says it's because the extra lung capacity makes for a better smoking experience, and I can't help but agree.

Scott is putting down the first lead vocals of the album. It's really weird listening to a song he wrote, CJ played all the guitar on, and now Scott is singing. This delegation is what I always wished for with this band, and still it feels slightly odd. Like I'm listening to someone else's group who sound a bit like WEEZER.

They're really good tho'.

Democracy within a band is a strange animal. At once impressive and slightly discomforting, like a large powerful dog. It is with great trepidation that I enter into a new phase for The Wildhearts and hope that I don't get my head bitten off.

I'm happy that I seem to be getting good internet signal recently. It was very sporadic for the first week, and then, with the departure of Ritch, the problem was no more.

Bloody drummers.

It's Easter weekend and we forgot to go shopping. No huge banquets for us then, although neither will there be alcohol for the entire Easter holiday.

Something I have a feeling I'm happier about than the rest of the guys.

For now I'm happy getting fit, eating healthy, writing my blogs, keeping up to speed with my internetworking and scribbling my reviews for Classic Rock ( Hey, I think there's one up today.

Hope it's THE GOOD RATS one. You really must hear that album.

Also, check out THE DAMNED So, Who's Paranoid?' Mostly a return to Strawberries form, give or take the odd slight stinker. Still the good stuff on there is amazing.

Busy, busy, busy.

Healthy, healthy, healthy.


Another update from the band reads:

"Day 9 on the farm and the sun is shinning and the guitars are crushing. Been recording guitars for the last three days and the whole detune thing has really giving our sound a mighty kick up the old derriere. It's a joy working with Jacob as he has a very laid back approach to recording and gets the most amazing sounds with such little effort, a true sonic master. Had to kind of learn to play again as de tuning to C makes the strings very loose so you can't really lay into them so i have to be ever so gentle and can't thrash away like an Indian punk rocker. Really can't wait for you guys to hear this album, as it has a freshness about it, that for a band as old as we are is a suprise and a beautiful thing.

The living side of the studio is still prison like but it's amazing how quickly you can adapt to your surroundings and there is a rhythm to days now. Had a problem with flies as we are on a farm and these critters are everywhere. I hate killing anything but the final straw was coming in to my room and seeing at least a dozen diptera holding an orgy on my pillow...Hey i don't mind the odd orgy but not on my pillow, the least they could of done was get their own room. Anyway got some industrial strength fly killer and zapped the dirty little horny bastards. No more copulating insects...Nice

Well tonight the guys are gonna be eating Creamy Bacon & Potato Soup with added peas for a flash of colour....Lovely...Monkey Boy.

We've been here over a week now and I think the initial shock of being in the middle of a feild has worn off. Tempers are begining to settle we're starting to ease into the swing of things. Maybe it's because we're starting to hear the record's potential, or maybe it's because our drummer has fucked off (hehe), but there's a certain electricity growing in the air around here. I just layed down the first vocals of the session. Not to shabby if I do say so my self. Anyway, back to work.....Tattoo Neck."

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