THREADS OF FATE Featuring REDEMPTION Keyboardist VIKRAM SHANKAR Release New Single / Lyric Video "The Cold Embrace Of The Light"

November 8, 2021, 2 years ago

news threads of fate heavy metal redemption vikram shankar

THREADS OF FATE Featuring REDEMPTION Keyboardist VIKRAM SHANKAR Release New Single / Lyric Video "The Cold Embrace Of The Light"

Threads Of Fate, featuring Redemption keyboardist Vikram Shankar, will release their first full-length album, The Cold Embrace Of The Light, which is to be released on March 11th 2022 via Layered Reality Productions. The first single and music video for the title track of the album was released on October 31st. 

The band has checked in with the following update:

"Our lead single,'The Cold Embrace Of The Light' has been out for one week now! Let us know what you think of the song in the comments, and make sure to listen if you haven't already on YouTube and Bandcamp. Check out the beautiful lyric video created by our friends at Layered Reality Productions and pre-order our upcoming album and donate to help make The Cold Embrace Of The Light" possible! Many thanks to all who have shown us love so far, and more music to come soon.

Below you will find the link to our brand new website and webstore, where you may pre-order the album as well as other merchandise. Pre-orders go directly towards the manufacturing and production costs of the album and merchandise, so pre-order now!

There will also be a donation option in the webstore. All who donate, please contact Jon Pyres via Facebook to receive other cool stuff from the band as a thank you!"

- US pre-order
- Europe pre-order


"Beneath A Starless Sky"
"A Ghostly Portrait" 
"The Horrors Within" 
"Against The Shores of Le Monde" 
"The Cold Embrace of The Light"
"Love Held Hands With Hatred" 

"The Cold Embrace Of The Light"

Photo by Kyle Finlan Photography

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