TORN BETWEEN TWO WORLDS Featuring SARAH JEZEBEL DEVA And CHRIS REHN Gearing Up To Cover "A Huge Track" - "It's Not 'Y.M.C.A.'"

May 18, 2021, 3 years ago

news torn between two worlds angtoria cradle of filth chris rehn sarah jezebel deva heavy metal

TORN BETWEEN TWO WORLDS Featuring SARAH JEZEBEL DEVA And CHRIS REHN Gearing Up To Cover "A Huge Track" - "It's Not 'Y.M.C.A.'"

Torn Between Two Worlds, featuring former Angtoria bandmates Sarah Jezebel Deva and Chris Rehn, recently released their debut single, "The Beauty Of Deception". The follow-up single, "All Eyes On Me" is now available here. Check out the official video below.

Sarah has checked in with the following update on Facebook:

"Torn Between Two Worlds will be doing a cover of a huge track. Not a metal track. I want to do it for me! It's an itch I need to scratch. Chris is totally on board. I suppose this is a track for those that just wanna hear someone sing. I hope I do it justice. I sing for the passion of it and hopefully it will shine through. It will be a free download on Bandcamp, so if you do want to donate, as we have clearly seen how supportive many of you are, if you wish to help by donating, just buy one of the other two tracks, but I will keep you up to date. This is for you guys and gals. Some will love it, some will hate it... but... I want to do it! It's not 'Y.M.C.A.' by the way..."

Vocalist Sarah Jezebel Deva, who fronted Angtoria from 2002 - 2011 and was with Cradle Of Filth for 14 years before leaving the band in 2009 and multi-istrumentalist / producer Chris Rehn spoke with BraveWords scribe Carl Begai about Angtoria and Torn Between Two Worlds. Following is an excerpt from the interview.

BraveWords: How long has this comeback been in planning even though you aren't using the Angtoria name anymore?

Chris: "In planning... well, Sarah and I met back in 2001 and started talking about working together, so it's been in planning ever since then. We did some demo tracks as Torn Between Two Worlds back in 2003, and that escalated and evolved into Angtoria in 2006. 'The Beauty Of Deception' has been in planning for the last five years; not five years in the making, just in the planning. Sarah and I are both busy with our families and work, so trying to find the time to do things for fun versus for work... those are two different things. And when you're working 18 hours a day and trying to set time aside to do music for fun, it isn't easy."

BraveWords: The new single picks up exactly where God Has A Plan For Us All (Angtoria's first and only album) left off...

Chris: "I'm really glad to hear that. I think this is.... everything Sarah and I have done has been straight from our hearts. Both of us have been in the music business, as you know, for many, many years, so we've seen the ups and downs, experienced the pitfalls, travelled all over the world, so to be able to do something just to satisfy our own musical needs and make music for ourselves has been a key part of whatever we've done together. Every time. So for you to say that, it obviously comes through because Angtoria came from the Torn Between Two Worlds demo that we did in 2002."

BraveWords: God Has A Plan For Us All was released in 2006, but to this day anyone that discovered the album and fell in love with it still regards it as an epic piece of work. There is love for that record all over social media.

Sarah: "I think I get more feedback about the album than Chris does due to the fact I'm on social media, and without trying to sound egotistical, I've gotten letters from fans, I get regular comments and positive feedback from fans every other day talking about the album. It's so heartwarming, it's so touching. I've gotten emails from people on the verge of killing themselves, people who have lost their parents or been in difficult situations saying that we saved them with that album. Quite a few times I've been in tears getting all this feedback. It's phenomenal. To this day people still tell me God Has A Plan For Us All is a phenomenal album and that they still play it a lot. I'm hoping we can release it on vinyl some day because there's still a call for it 16 years down the line. It's mindblowing. I'm so proud of it."

"The Beauty Of Deception"

"All Eyes On Me"

Photos used with kind permission of Sarah Jezebel Deva and Chris Rehn

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