TORN BETWEEN TWO WORLDS Featuring SARAH JEZEBEL DEVA And CHRIS REHN Team Up With Trve Kvlt Coffee For Signature Blend

May 1, 2021, 3 years ago

news torn between two worlds angtoria heavy metal

TORN BETWEEN TWO WORLDS Featuring SARAH JEZEBEL DEVA And CHRIS REHN Team Up With Trve Kvlt Coffee For Signature Blend

Torn Between Two Worlds, featuring former Angtoria bandmates Sarah Jezebel Deva and Chris Rehn, recently released their debut single, "The Beauty Of Deception". The follow-up single, "All Eyes On Me", has been confirmed for release on May 2nd. It is now available for pre-order here.

In addition to this, Sarah has revealed they have teamed up with Trve Kvlt Coffee for their own signature blend:

"Pre-order link here and this will be our only piece of merchandise for the time being. So kindly support our name, but more importantly support this brilliant company, Trve Kvlt Coffee. This product will likely be limited, but not to 666 bags..."

Sarah recently issued an update on th erecordings for "All Eyes On Me":

"Recording vocals for the new track 'All Eyes On Me' by Torn Between Two Worlds. It's strange when you have to stop recording a song because you get all emotional about it and the experience it gives you. My journey with Chris started on the Therion / Evergrey European tour over 15 years ago. It continued with Angtoria and now this, and there is one thing I'm so grateful for which made me so emotional today: the friendship I have with Chris Rehn. I know at times he has more or less pulled his hair out with me, but he had never turned his back and no matter how tough things have been in our lives over the years, he has NEVER turned his back. I think this song is better than 'The Beauty Of Deception'. Every track we do in my eyes is a step up from the last and I'm far, far from perfect I still say I'm a 'has been' haha.... but I have my passion back for singing. I have always been a true believer of actions speak louder than words."

Go to the official Torn Between Two Worlds Bandcamp page here. The official lyric video for the song is available below.

Photos used with kind permission of Sarah Jezebel Deva and Chris Rehn

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