Toronto's MONSTER VOODOO MACHINE Celebrates 30th Anniversary Of Suffersystem Debut - "It Gave Us Young Kids Some Life Changing Experiences"

October 27, 2024, a day ago

news monster voodoo machine heavy metal

Toronto's MONSTER VOODOO MACHINE Celebrates 30th Anniversary Of Suffersystem Debut - "It Gave Us Young Kids Some Life Changing Experiences"

Toronto-based Monster Voodoo Machine formed in 1991, releasing two studio albums and three studio EPs in '90s. They disbanded in 1998, but reformed in 2007 for sporadic live shows.

Frontman Adam Sewell has shared the following message on the behalf of the band:

"This week marks the official 30th anniversary of the release of the Monster Voodoo Machine debut album, Suffersystem. I want to apologize for the month-long overkill / overload / abundance of posts about the album, and to let you all know that we (the band) appreciate you all humouring us old guys with all of your extremely nice comments and memories that you have shared with us about this unique collection of songs, tour dates, press clippings, and videos from the 1994 - 1995 album cycle.

Truth be told, Suffersystem really was the ONLY real full-length Monster Voodoo Machine album to ever be released. It was a fantastic representation of who we were (as a band) at that time, and it gave us young kids some life changing experiences. And over the many decades since the album’s release its reach has allowed us to connect with so many great people and music fans from all over the world.

To everyone who listened to, and supported both the album and our band, the fans, the booking agents, the promoters, the clubs, the DJs, the VJs, the programmers, the bands we toured with, our road crew, and all those who hustled on our behalf… thank you all.

We want to use this post to say a special THANK YOU to the people in our lives who were directly responsible for making that album happen at that moment in time: Critter, Howie Beno, George Marino, Reid and everyone at Chicago Trax, Michael Toorock, Jill Heath, Scott Bernstein, Bill Dern, Terry O’Brien, Jana Cleland and everyone at BMG Music Publishing, Tom Derr, Bennett Kaufman and everyone at RCA Records, the very small number of supporters at BMG Canada, Roddy Bottum, Wesley Willis, Leslie Rankine, Martin Atkins, Pushead, all of the artists and producers who worked on remixes, Bob, Steve, Lauren and everyone at Concrete, Felix Sebacious and everyone at Blue Grape Merchandise, Kristian, Chris, Dawn and Don, aaaaaaand of course… our families. 

But most importantly, it’s worth noting that Suffersystem would NEVER have happened without the support of the single most important industry person in our brief but crazy career: Melissa Komorsky of RCA Records. 

Melissa’s die-hard belief in our ridiculous noisy bastard of a band at a time when no one else seemed to see our potential is something that we will never, ever forget. We could never thank her enough for always fighting the good fight at the label on our behalf - and allowing us to experience everything in that crazy business that got thrown our way. It was one hell of ride all thanks to her. 

I know that we were probably terrible at expressing this waaaaay back when… but we love you, and could never thank you enough for changing our lives. Thank you, Missy K. xo"

 ~ Adam, Terry, Jason, Darren, Dean, and Stacey.


Photo: Test shot photo taken during the official promo photo shoot in New York City, summer 1994.

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