TRIUMPH - Long Awaited Documentary To Be Released In Canada This Fall

July 10, 2021, 3 years ago

news triumph hard rock

TRIUMPH - Long Awaited Documentary To Be Released In Canada This Fall

Drummer / singer Gil Moore of the legendary Canadian band Triumph recently spoke with Dr. Music about all things Triumph and Metalworks Studios, including the upcoming documentary on the band. Check out the interview below.

On the release of the forthcoming documentary

Moore: "It'll be this fall (in Canada on Crave). It'll be fourth quarter this year, for sure. If it's simultaneous in America, then it'll be the same time, and if not, my guess would be first quarter of 2022. In Canada, it's on free TV, on Bell Media, which is the biggest television network in Canada. I'm not sure how many broadcasts, whether they'll play it once, twice or three or four times. I'm not sure about that. Whether it'll do a theater run or not remains to be seen, and what the launch platforms in America and international remain to be seen. I think typically what they do is when it hits the film festival, which we're hoping to get that confirmed shortly, that's when I think a lot of those decisions get made, is once it's presented at a festival."

Rik Emmett of Triumph fame spoke with Anne Erickson in September 2020 and also commented on the forthcoming dcumentary: 

Emmett: "I saw a rough cut — well, I wouldn’t say rough cut, I think I saw the final edit – just a couple of days ago. There are still a few little things they’ve got to clean up, some titling that goes at the bottom, and they have some animation sequences that sort of get you from one thing to another, and they’re not quite finished up yet. But, it’s exceptional. It’s really something. It’s very surreal. It’s like, this is your life, Rik. But, it’s one person’s — well, two people, really — the editor Mark and Sam Dunn, who’s the Banger Films guy. He’s really smart, and he really knows his stuff. He’s told the stories of so many other bands, that now, he sort of realizes, I’ve got to focus this down and figure out what is the story that I want to tell about this band.

It’s only going be the one story. It’s not going to be my story, and it’s not going to be Michael Levine’s story or Gil Moore’s story. It’s going to be what Sam has decided he’s going to tell from the research that he’s done and the stuff that he’s garnered and the footage that’s available. It’s a compelling story, and it’s kind of weird to see it, sort of the rise, the fall, the rise again, and then the end, all the Walk of Fame and all of the lovely things, and now, the making of this documentary. We did a fan fest, which was a thing where they could shoot fans seeing the band, and we rehearsed, and the band actually played three songs live for these fans that they flew in from all over the world. That was unbelievable. That was just an insane kind of emotional thing for us to reunite and play that. It was kind of like the capper of all the story, coming back around full circle and finishing in a really good, positive, solid way. The documentary crew captured it all on two dozen cameras from every angle. So, it’s something, for sure."

Read the complete transcript of the interview below here.

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