TRIVIUM Drummer ALEX BENT - "The Older I Get, The More I Appreciate RUSH And NEIL PEART"
June 29, 2020, 4 years ago
Music Radar recently caught up with Trivium drummer Alex Bent, who discussed the 10 albums that influenced his drumming style. Following is an excerpt from the rundown.
Death - Symbolic
Bent: "I was listening to this album a lot before I went into the studio to record The Sin And The Sentence. If you listen closely, you will hear a ton of Gene Hoglan influence on my playing. I lived and breathed this album before I went into the studio for WTDMS."
Dimmu Borgir - Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia
Bent: "This is the album that I've listened to religiously since I discovered metal. To this day, when I need some type of inspiration, I throw this album on and really try to absorb the playing on the drums. It is an absolutely phenomenal album!"
Rush - 2112
Bent: "This was another album that I had been dissecting before I recorded The Sin And The Sentence. I wasn't really into Rush growing up, but the older I get, the more I appreciate them and Neil Peart. I really dug into his playing because I wanted to listen to the things that were influencing my influences. Neil was truly a legend. Rest in peace!"
Check out the complete list here.