URIAH HEEP "Looking At A Long Overdue Tour Of The USA And Canada"

September 21, 2008, 16 years ago

news rock hard usa uriah heep

URIAH HEEP guitar legend Mick Box has issued the following update:

"Well we are all very happy with the reviews from both the fans and the media regarding Wake The Sleeper. In general I am very happy that we delivered to the fans the CD that they were waiting for. To be honest we have been overwhelmed with the response and to be even nominated in the Classic Rock Magazine Awards UK for best CD of the year is amazing after our 10 year hiatus. I hope you have all been voting!

We start rehearsals soon to revamp the set and we cannot wait. Don’t worry we will still be playing some of the old classics alongside the new numbers as we are very proud of both sets of songs. The European tour starts on the 10th October and runs through Germany, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Estonia, Italy, Poland, Switzerland, Finland, Holland, Austria, Belgium and the UK . With the success of the reviews and articles in magazines I am hoping next year we will get to play other European shows that are missed on this leg i.e. France, Spain, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, more shows in Italy and as many other countries as we can possible fit in.

We are in for the long haul so it will be a good 18 months of touring scheduled. Because the way that the Record Industry has changed and there is little revenue to be made on CD sales everyone has now taken to the road to make a living. This unfortunately has spread the touring markets pretty thin as everybody is out there. However as we are known as one of the hardest working touring bands in the world and we have a touring base in 53 countries, we hope we can weather the storm and continue to tour constantly. With your continued support, that we do appreciate more than anything, this is possible.

We are presently looking at, for the early part of next year a long overdue tour of the USA and Canada. Our New York agent is working on this now to see what the possibilities are. We would love to make the USA/Canada a big part of our touring calendar again so fingers crossed. I am so delighted that I was able to hand over the first Shirt Off My Back cheque for £1,500 to Cancer Research UK last week and I thank Katie Billingham of Cancer Research UK for helping make this possible. There will be many more exciting items auctioned over the coming months so keep checking the site for the latest news. A big thanks to those that have participated thus far.

While we are on the thank you run I would like to thank on behalf of the band all of you that have bought WTS and we are pleased that everyone is enjoying it as much as we enjoyed making it. I think you will agree that Mike Paxman was a wonderful choice of producer and he brought apart from a good set of ears to the table, a bucket load of enthusiasm that was infectious. He did manage to get the best out of everyone of us and was never short of an idea or two.

On the CD front Ioannis did fantastic work on producing a class cover that will translate well to merchandise, backdrops and the like. To say we are happy with it would be an understatement. Well we are entering into another exciting part of our career and there is a wonderful positive air of expectancy and excitement surrounding the camp.

We are all focused 100% on promoting WTS in every way we possibly can. I look forward to seeing you all out on the road!"

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