W.A.S.P. - Montreal Cancellation Detailed

August 9, 2004, 20 years ago

hot flashes news

BW&BK; has received the following first hand account of what led to the cancellation of W.A.S.P.’s show in Montreal last night (August 8th):

Montreal August 8th -

WASP was scheduled to perform in Montreal tonight at Foufounes Electriques (a BCI promoted show/ sponsored by BW&BK;/bravewords.com). Venue capacity 615 - show SOLD OUT!!

The band was scheduled to arrive at the venue at 2PM - to set up, soundcheck, etc... So, I decided to get there for 3PM (which I did). The band materialized a little after 6PM.

In walks three henchmen (roadies & road manager) - looking glum and pissed off (I might too if I just had a 14 hour drive from Chicago, or so I was told)....

First words out of the tour manager's lips... "This place smells like shit" (which it doesn't). They proceed to get on the stage and bounce on it (as if it were a trampoline). Then they start measuring it by the scientifically proven method - walking it off... They're even more pissed and call in the promoter... They huddle and discuss the situation... Next each band member (with the exception of Blackie) walk into the venue and examine the stage.

Stet (Howland) decides that his drum riser cannot fit and REFUSES to play the show without it... he retreats to the bus. Mike (Duda, bass) looks a little worse for wear from the road - looks around in a tired daze and leaves. The guitarist (Darrell Roberts) comes in... and he starts fuming... he leaves. (Blackie is on the bus parked out back the entire time).

The crew informs the promoter that Blackie's mic stand weighs 1000lbs and is too heavy for the stage... They inform the promoter that if his mic stand cannot be accommodated the band will leave.

So, the promoter scrambles - hires a welder, get sheet metal, etc... offers the band more money, etc... but the show is in jeopardy...

At about 6:45 the crew get on the bus and LEAVE - promoter is confused... he receives a call from the band saying the show is canceled unless you can find a NEW VENUE!!!! (and that the band is headed to the hotel).

I don't know about other cities but finding a fully staffed (barmaids, coat check, security, etc) venue at 7PM on a Sunday for a show scheduled at 9PM is not the easiest thing to do.

Promoter scrambles some more, but finds a solution... Informs the band and is told "yeah, we just don't wanna play tonight."

A SOLD OUT crowd had to be informed that the band didn't want to play because Blackie's mic stand didn't fit on the stage to his specifications and that refunds would be available tomorrow (minus service charges)... LONG LIVE ROCK, EH???

Let's not forget that Blackie got a NON-REFUNDABLE 50% advance (show was $4500 US - so I'm told) and the promoter is out the cost of catering (all the perishable foods), security, door-man, ticket-girl, soundman and other staff.....(probably another $2000).

If this wasn't a Spinal Tap/Metal Sludge moment -- then I just don't know what is...

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