W.A.S.P.'s BLACKIE LAWLESS Says He Was Shot At, Received Death Threats And Bomb Scares Over PMRC Debate; Video

November 21, 2022, a year ago

news heavy metal blackie lawless w.a.s.p.

W.A.S.P.'s BLACKIE LAWLESS Says He Was Shot At, Received Death Threats And Bomb Scares Over PMRC Debate; Video

For The Metal Voice, Kenny Kessel shot footage at the W.A.S.P. VIP Experience with Blackie Lawless on November 18 at The Paramount Theater in Huntington, NY. See video below.

During the Q & A, Blackie was asked by a fan what happened after the PMRC debate, how it affected the band, and if the PMRC tried to shut the band down at the time.

Lawless responded, "It changed my life, if that's what you mean. It made me more of a recluse. A couple thousand death threats and bomb scares and getting shot at a couple of times usually has a tendency to alter your outlook on life a little. Also, we were exposed to extreme pain very early and fame is kind of like this. If this table is a smorgasbord, it's like an evil Genie stands down at the end of the the smorgasbord and says you can take anything you want, but if you take one thing you take it all. You do not get to pick and choose, so all the good stuff that you like in the smorgasbord that's wonderful but you got to take the bad stuff too. So it ends up being a life-altering experience but one I don't think you can ever really go back too, at least I haven't."

According to the Wikipedia entry, the Parents Music Resource Center (PMRC) was an American committee formed in 1985 with the stated goal of increasing parental control over the access of children to music deemed to have violent, drug-related or sexual themes via labeling albums with Parental Advisory stickers. The committee was founded by four women known as the "Washington Wives"—a reference to their husbands' connections with government in the Washington, D.C. area. The women who founded the PMRC are Tipper Gore, wife of Senator and later Vice President Al Gore; Susan Baker, wife of Treasury Secretary James Baker; Pam Howar, wife of Washington realtor Raymond Howar; and Sally Nevius, wife of former Washington City Council Chairman John Nevius. The PMRC eventually grew to include 22 participants before shutting down in the mid-to-late 1990s.

One of the actions taken by the PMRC was compiling a list of fifteen songs in popular music, at the time, that they found the most objectionable. This list is known as the "Filthy Fifteen" and consists of the following songs along with the lyrical content category for which each song was considered objectionable. W.A.S.P "Animal (Fuck Like a Beast)" was number 9.

W.A.S.P. are offering their first ever VIP meet and greet packages on the US leg of the 40 Years Live World Tour. VIP meet and greet packages are available for all dates on the US tour, including shows that are already sold out for show tickets.

In addition to meeting Blackie Lawless and getting a personal photo with him, fans will also be able get a photo holding Blackie's original B.C. Rich Widow bass guitar and get a photo standing next to "Elvis\rdblquote  - Blackie's incredibly unique and one of a kind microphone stand.

To purchase your VIP ticket to meet Blackie Lawless visit WASPnation.com/tour and click the ticket link for your desired show. You will purchase the VIP ticket directly from the venue.

Blackie Lawless commented on offering VIP tickets, "For the 40th Anniversary Tour, and for our first time ever, we are offering VIP Meet and Greet tickets for all of you who\rquote ve wanted to have a genuine VIP Experience. I\rquote ll be doing a photo with everyone who participates as well as several other special offerings that will make this a pretty interesting package. But the one thing that will separate our VIP Experience from all others, and honestly the thing I\rquote m looking most forward to is, at the end of the photo and the autograph sessions I want to do a sit down Question and Answer session with all of you there . The only way I've ever wanted to do a VIP Experience is to have real time with all of you, not only to answer whatever questions you\rquote ve been wanting to ask me for however long, but it also gives me the chance to get to know you. Honestly, this was the only way I would agree to do this because I genuinely wanna hear what you have to say. So get ready and get your questions ready, but, be prepared, it\rquote s gonna work both ways, because if you think you wanna get inside my head\'85. then I\rquote m gonna get inside of yours."

The VIP Experience includes:

• Exclusive VIP Experience Meet and Greet with Blackie Lawless
• Personal Photo with Blackie
• Two Personal Items Signed by Blackie - No Guitars, Pick Guards or Instruments
• Signed VIP Tour Laminate
• $50 Credit at Merchandise Stand
• Set of 3 Blackie Lawless 40th Anniversary Guitar Picks
• Q&A with Blackie with all VIP's after all Photos and Autographs
• Take Photo Holding Blackie's original B.C. Rich Widow Bass Guitar
• Stand for photo next to "Elvis” - Blackie's Incredibly Unique and One of a Kind Microphone Stand
• Automatically Entered to Win a Signed Guitar at the End of the U.S. Tour

Find the complete tour itinerary here.

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