WARRANT Bassist Jerry Dixon On Down Boys Records - "It's Kind Of Been Really Selfishly Fulfilling"

February 2, 2012, 12 years ago

news rock hard warrant

Screamer Magazine recently spoke with WARRANT bassist Jerry Dixon about Down Boys Records, which he runs with bandmate Erik Turner. An excerpt from the story is available below:

Dixon and Turner first came up with the idea in 2001, before the digital era, when it was apparent to them that owning their product and doing certain things by themselves was a good idea.

“About a year ago, we had done things like Under The Influence and Hollywood Underground,” states Dixon. “These were just physical releases so about a year ago, the light bulb went off with everything being digital now, to really come in and just revive the label and start signing other artists besides Warrant, cause it seemed to really work out good for us and it was cool to know how the label end of it really worked. That information was really cool to know. We thought that with other artists—if we share all these secrets with them, would probably love to be on the label and stop worrying about being ripped off and stop worrying about all the other stuff and just keep creating music,” says Dixon, “so, it just sort of snow-balled into what the label is now and this is like our first round of actually signing artists, putting out records and going through that whole thing. It’s been cool and kind of been really selfishly fulfilling on our end.”

Going through the school of hard knocks, Warrant used themselves as guinea pigs while they came up in the world as artists trying to understand the business end of the music industry. A lot of what Warrant is doing today was found out of frustration and being shocked at how they were treated.

“Yeah, I guess before we actually started the label, we dabbled in it,” Dixon states, “we had released three or four records and we got ripped off overseas; we learned what not to do with Warrant so that leads us up to being pretty confident that we know what to do with newer bands or even bands that have been around for a long time that just didn’t get any attention, ya know. And just simply by bringing attention back to an artist who did stuff a long time ago is tremendous.”

Click here for the complete story.

As previously reported, on what would have been late singer JANI LANE's birthday, Warrant have posted video footage for 'The Road To Heaven', featuring their former frontman. Watch the clip below:

Back in December, TMZ reported that Jani Lane died without a will.

According to court documents filed in connection with his estate, Lane's oldest daughter has asked the court to approve an estate administrator to start figuring things out. The 47-year-old's estate is valued at $600,000 - though it's unclear exactly what it's made up of.

Lane is survived by his wife and his two daughters, but the mom of his second daughter could also make out with a share.

Lane was found dead at the Comfort Inn hotel in Woodland Hills, CA on August 11th. The L.A. Coroner's Office concluded he had suffered from acute ethanol poisoning. Investigators found a half-empty bottle of vodka and prescription medication in the motel room where Lane died.


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