WARRANT Vocalist ROBERT MASON Reflects On Singing Live Backing Vocals For OZZY OSBOURNE, Friendship With JANI LANE (Video)
May 15, 2022, 2 years ago
Warrant / ex-Lynch Mob vocalist Robert Mason is featured in a new career-spanning interview with 80's Metal Recycle Bin. He offers some great road stories, talks about his relationship with Warrant singer / songwriter Jani Lane, singing backing vocals for Ozzy Osbourne on tour, and how he ended up joining Warrant.
On touring with Ozzy Osbourne:
"I got a call from Sharon Osbourne saying that Ozzy was going out on a tour - this was '95 Ozzmosis tour - and Saghron said he wanted to use a real singer (for backing vocals) instead of any backing tracks. Sampling at that point was keyboards firing off samples. My name had come up from a few producers as a likely candidate, so she called me. Within two weeks I was in Stockholm, the guy off stage doing all the background vocals. I did that for a year."