What Brands Can Do On Instagram To Grow

March 29, 2021, 3 years ago


What Brands Can Do On Instagram To Grow

Are you trying to make use of Instagram as a part of your marketing strategy but not quite sure how to go about it? Does your brand have an Instagram account but all you do is post advertisements for your products?

One of the most popular social media platforms for the last few years and counting has been Instagram, and this is all down to the fact that it is an everything platform that caters to multiple demographics. 

There are so many different benefits that Instagram provides for businesses and brands from not only allowing them to reach a massive audience of around 1 billion people, but also tools which allow them to reach that audience, such as Growthoid, which is a growth service that allows you to get more Instagram followers. If you have Instagram, that won’t mean you will immediately succeed or grow, so if you are having difficulties reaching new audiences, here is what brands can do on Instagram to grow. 

Have a competition

A really fun thing that brands can do that will allow their audience to interact with them and encourage them to engage or spread the word about their brand is having a competition. Free stuff always motivates people to share you content to their stories, or tag their friends so that they can also see who you are. 
You could also make use of the hashtag feature and create a hashtag feature which allows for users to create content for you through user generated content. Along with these hashtag challenges, there can also be incentive to win. For example, you could ask users to post a picture of themselves with one of your products using your hashtag, and then choose someone to win a small prize. All of this is fantastic for engagement, but also for reach and encourages more people to want to participate in spreading your name. 

Know the demographics

Before you even think about starting to create any content you need to know exactly who your demographic and target audience is. While it’s nice to know that you have a reserve of content that you can just post whenever you are ready, it is so important to cater to your audience.

Different target audiences like and enjoy different types of content depending on the various niches they enjoy. When discovering your target audience you need to know what your niche is and who might enjoy it. There are specific ways to target different niches through your content one you know who your audience will be. 

Use relevant hashtags

Hashtags are one of the most misused and underrated tool for brands and businesses to use on Instagram. Essentially a hashtag is a keyword that you can put in your caption of your post that follows a pound sign. Other users can then look up this key word or hashtag and find every post that has made use of it all in one area starting from the most recent one. 

Hashtags are a brilliant way for brands and businesses to extend their reach far beyond their followers while still targeting a niche audience, and also allows them to gain more Instagram followers. You could even start your own hashtag in order to be able to keep up with analytics more easily as well as introduce hashtag challenges and get your audience involved in your content.

When using hashtags though. Ensure to use ones that are relevant to your content as you don’t want to come across a spammy or risk the potential to get shadow banned if you use them too much and they show up in peoples timeline who done necessarily want to see your kinds of products. 

Discounts, coupons, and your website

Another great way to grow is to have your Instagram content shown on your website. This will effectively drive traffic to your Instagram page and encourage people to follow you so that they can see the new products you have to offer. 

You could also offer coupons or discounts for products on your website for those who make use of a link posted to your Instagram. Not only will this get you more followers, but it will also drive traffic to your website and allow for your brand to grow at the same time. 

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