ZZ TOP Perform First Live Show After Passing Of Dusty Hill; Video

July 31, 2021, 2 years ago

news zz top billy gibbons dusty hill hard rock

ZZ TOP Perform First Live Show After Passing Of Dusty Hill; Video

Last night (July 30th), ZZ Top played their first live gig since the passing of bassist Dusty Hill this past Wednesday July 28th. At the Tuscaloosa Amphitheater in Alabama, the band were joined by their 20-plus year guitar tech Elwood Francis. Frontman Billy Gibbons introduced Elwood Francis to take Hill’s place for the tour.

The band kicked off with "Got Me Under Pressure," then Gibbons spoke into the mic, "Whooooeee. We gonna have a good time tonight. Dusty gave me the directive”, as  Gibbons introduced Francis on bass. "And we thank you," he added, kicking off their cover of Sam & Dave's "I Thank You."

Check out brief video below:

Gibbons spoke with Variety about Hill's passing and ZZ Top's plans to continue. Following is an excerpt from the interview.

Says Gibbons: “Passing through the grieving process, I can tell you it’s no less than anyone else that loses a good friend or a close associate. And at the same time, knowing that this came up so suddenly — going to bed and not waking up… That was the luck of the draw. He was in, and he was out.”

Variety: Is there an official cause of death now, or is it just he really fell asleep and didn’t wake up, and people don’t know?

Gibbons: "That’s about all they can determine. Let’s face it, you don’t necessarily pass away from a broken shoulder or broken hip. Although the attending physician had earlier warned him that bursitis was not uncommon, even arthritis, and they said it’s not a very comfortable place to be. And I could tell that he was moving a little slow. He said, 'Boy, this shoulder and hip are really starting to become a problem.' But, as of this juncture, yeah, it was off to dreamland and beyond."

Variety: What’s it been like for you emotionally? Is it helping to know that you’re going to be out there celebrating every night regardless? Or is it pretty tough to deal with right now?

Gibbons: "Yeah. I had a couple of moments with the waterworks coming and going, and I really felt a sense of relief. I said, 'Gee whiz, maybe I am human after all,' This is coming from a very deep and glorious place, with respect to knowing that after 50 years with the guy, we were all joined at — no pun intended — joined at the hip. But knowing that we can take his wishes forward and give him all due respect… You know, he was adamant. He said, 'I’m going to go down and see what’s up. In the meantime,' he said, “the show must go on. Don’t forget it.” And he was pointing his finger and shaking it (laughs)."

Read the complete interview here.


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