KONKHRA Frontman ANDERS LUNDEMARK - "We Had A Little Heyday In The '90s And I Think Some Of That Spoiled Us A Little"

January 7, 2009, 15 years ago

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ScratchTheSurface.com recently spoke with KONKHRA frontman/fouder Anders Lundemark. An excerpt from th einterview is available below.

STS: It’s been a long time coming, six damn years to be accurate, but the sixth full-length work from Denmark’s Death-Metal veterans Konkhra are finally arriving on January 26th, 2009 thru their own label Chopshop Records and Target Distribution. Following a period of inner turbulence with a wide number of revolving line-ups and record label hassles, Konkhra’s leader, guitarist and vocalist Anders Lundemark returns with a revamped line-up and a strong comeback record entitled Nothing is Sacred that coincidentally or not will also marks the celebration of the band’s 20th anniversary. I guess the obvious thing to enquire about is exactly what the band has been up to for the last six years?

Lundemark: "Well, we broke up again. Reality Check was done with the Spit… line-up, and I think there was some disappointment with those guys, that it could be at all possible to write and release a record that fucking good, and get those reviews and STILL get fucked on tour, with statements, no tour support, no promotion, fucking just nothing, except what we could scramble for ourselves. I don’t blame them, although maybe our past exploits had created an expectation of a certain standard, when touring and so on, but as you know the competition has been ever increasing and if a band from Poland can tour for 10% of what would even half pay our rent in this expensive country your bound to get less than what you got in the past. We had a little heyday in the '90s and I think some of that spoiled us a little. Johnny was facing tribulations in his private sphere, matter of fact, so did I, and eventually we left it alone. We could not tour and we could not write. So, I forgot about it for while, as I moved my studio twice, and started a new company, also in music, that has spaces for studios and rehearsals in Copenhagen. This was a lot of work, and it kept me busy and grounded for a while.”

Go to this location for the complete interview (scroll down).

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