ADEMA Singer Explains Departure From Band

October 27, 2005, 18 years ago

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ADEMA singer Luke Caraccioli has posted the following message at the band’s website (

“I know that there are a lot of rumors floating around the internet, and I want to make sure that you guys the dedicated fans here the truth straight from me.

I want to first and foremost dispel any rumors that I hate Kris or ANY member in Adema, I do not nor will I ever hate them, and the person that is spreading that kind of garbage is an attention hungry person that likes to spread around drama.

Now, It is with an extremely heavy heart that I say that just a few hours ago I made the decision to leave Adema.

This decision is going to be a shock to you all I am sure, and I am deeply sorry that I could not stay in the band. I do not wish to get into the details or reasoning for this decision other than to say that it is for my own personal reasons and a decision that I HAD to make at this point in my life.

I hope that you all will stay on board with the guys from Adema, they are mega talented musicians, and I am sure that they will have something going on in the near future.

I have greatly enjoyed getting to know all of you, and talking to you guys on line, you are all the greatest fans in the world and without you it would have meant nothing to be in a band at all. You guys have been VERY accepting and caring towards me and for that I am forever thankful as well, I look forward to continuing to talk to you anytime you want.

I am not sure of what my future holds, but I have been jamming with the guys from my old band Rewind Yesterday in my off time from touring with Adema, AGAIN this has NOTHING to do with me leaving, it was until now a side project with my close friends. IF you wish to keep up with what is going on with me, I invite you all to check out the following link:


Luke Caraccioli"

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