ANGER AS ART Complete Tracking New Album

August 4, 2009, 15 years ago

hot flashes news anger as art

ANGER AS ART vocalist/guitarist Steve Gaines has issued the following update:

"Okay, so the tally is this - seven sessions averaging five hours = 35 hours of tracking. Amazing drum and bass tones, Angelo and Rob really became the quintessential rhythm section for this kind of music. What is that? Speed? Thrash? Who cares? It is what it is. The boys are powerful. Gear? Angelo with a Rickenbacker 4001 fitted with a P-J pickup set through an Ampeg SVT3. What else you gotta know? Rob with a 5 piece Pacific/DW kit (single kick with cheater pedal to insure exact tone) with a variety of Zildjian and Paiste cymbals. Simply Monstrous performance and tone.

Guitar tones? Me with my Ampeg VL1002, and Dan with his Line 6/Bogner and Basson combo - holy friggin' cow! Did we nail tones that are at once the opposite, yet so cohesive and similar. These rhythm guitars just crush, and I have to hand it to Dan. I knew that somewhere in the world was a guitarist who saw rhythm the same way I did - no I in team!

Getting into solos - I did mine with new newest weapon - a 1995 Gibson Les Paul Special with EMG P81 and P60 pickups. This guitar once belonged to Mark The Shark Caro. He left just enough mojo on the fretboard for me to coax some nice solos out of her. Majority of solos on the neck pickup for that big throaty GARY MOORE tone. I still suck, but hey! At least I sound better while sucking! Dan played an Ibanez RG570 (model? I think that is correct) with Duncans, and just burned. I love what he brought to the table - he stands on his own, very unique. Definitely way above the level from 20-plus years ago - he is a lead guitarist in no one's shadow. Great job, bro!

Vocals? I am happy with my total performance - but gotta give kudos to Dan. He really put his stamp on his tracks. In some instances, he kind of sounds like me - specifically on 'Appease An Angry God'. Mighty performance. And I can honestly say that if we were on tour, and I blew my voice out, Dan could fill in and entertain the begezus out of you! We are definitely in good hands.

We start to mix later in the week. Johgn Haddad will send us a test mix of one song, and if the platform is good, we start to build the album on that! We are almost there. Getting the CD cover together, Shooting band photos next week in Long Beach, and narrowing down which song we want to shoot the video for - 'Crush', 'Seed Of Hate', 'Anger Is A Gift', or any of the others, really! All 10 songs kill! No filler, no experiments... just what you would expect (and privately, many of you have asked for) from Anger As Art.

Thanks for the support! Peace... or war! Whichever!"

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