BravePicks 2014 - UNISONIC's Light Of Dawn #21

December 10, 2014, 9 years ago

news heavy metal primal fear

BravePicks 2014 - UNISONIC's Light Of Dawn #21

Drum roll please … or maybe a hearty dose of blast-beats! Tis the season to commence the good, bad and ugly of 2014! Of course we’re talking about BravePicks 2014, where all the staff put their collective metal minds together to build the ultimate lists including individual Top 20s (new studio albums ONLY),  Top 5 Brave Embarrassments, Top 3 Concerts, What/Who Needs To Stop In 2015? and Metal Predictions For 2015.

BravePicks 2014

 21) UNISONIC - Light Of Dawn (earMusic)


When Unisonic surfaced in 2012 it was something of a milestone in that former Helloween bandmates Michael Kiske (vocals) and Kai Hansen (guitars) were officially working together again. They crossed paths several times following Kiske's departure from Helloween in 1993 - Hansen having jumped ship four years earlier - beginning with Kiske's guest appearance on Gamma Ray's Land Of The Free album in 1995, but it wasn't until Avantasia's European tour in 2010 where they shared the stage for a few songs each night that the prospect of collaborating on bigger and better things became serious. Kiske already had Unisonic on the go with former Gotthard guitarist Mandy Meyer, Pink Cream 69 bassist/producer Dennis Ward and drummer Kosta Zafiriou, and the decision was made to bring Hansen on board.

Ward spoke with BraveWords scribe Carl Begai: "You have to look at the roots of the people in this band other than Michael, who has his metal roots way in the past. Kai came very late to the band, and the rest of us make hard rock music, not metal. It's like Paul McCartney making a record that sounds like The Beatles; is he supposed to apologize for that? I don't think so (laughs). No matter what we do we're going to disappoint somebody, so we just stay true to ourselves. Slowly but surely we're finding our way. On this album we tried some new stuff, we ventured farther into the dangerous metal realm (laughs). We left the dragons out but we tried to give the fans a little more of what they want to hear."

Ward also addressed the Helloween comparisons that have cropped up since Light Of Dawn's release, which Unisonic comes by honestly.

"We play Helloween songs live because we're expected to," says Ward. "We have no problem with that, and we're doing them in normal tuning. A lot of people don't realize that our counterparts with that actual band name play two steps lower. Check it on YouTube. We've discussed many times whether we should pitch down or not, and Michael is totally agianst it. He doesn't like the way the guitars sound and I agree with him, but we told him 'Fine, but you've got to hit those notes.' As people know by now from all the touring we've done, Michael has no trouble with that at all."

Read the entire story here.

(Band photos by Erik Weiss)

BravePicks 2014 Top 30

21) UNISONIC - Light Of Dawn (earMusic)

22) PRIMAL FEAR – Delivering The Black (Frontiers)

23) DEVILMENT – The Great And Secret Show (Nuclear Blast)

24) MR. BIG - ...The Stories We Could Tell (Frontiers)

25) EYEHATEGOD – Eyehategod (Housecore)

26) STEEL PANTHER – All You Can Eat (Open E)

27) CALIFORNIA BREED – California Breed (Frontiers)

28) TESLA – Simplicity (Tesla Electric Co.)

29) PRONG – Ruining Lives (SPV/Steamhammer)

30) GAMMA RAY – Empire Of The Undead (EarMusic)


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