FASTWAY Singer TOBY JEPSON Releases New EP; Track-By-Track Rundown Available

September 8, 2007, 17 years ago

hot flashes news fastway toby jepson ep

FASTWAY singer TOBY JEPSON (ex-LITTLE ANGELS) has released a new EP called Guitar, Bass And Drums EP 2. The following is a track-by-track rundown:

'Ta-loo-lah': "Ok, so this is possibly the first song I have written with a girls name as a title and subject matter, and as my wife reliably tells me, it is NOT the correct spelling, but to be honest I don’t have a concern about that this is Rock ‘n’ fookin Roll after all…but there is a serious point that is this; with regard to the message, which is about lost innocence and the desire no matter how misjudged to ‘MAKE IT’, the title represents a fiction, a construct, it can be a person or an attitude…you with me??? Ok well you’ll have to trust me on this one then…the path to fame is fraught with danger…what is fame and why do so many desire it? Discuss…"

'Learn To Fly': "I had a number of emails about this title; especially given the fact that the EP was to be released on Sept 11th…well honestly I didn’t make the connection at all. The song is a bitter sweet love song, it tells the tale of an impossible relationship that should never have been but did anyway…and the consequences. Love songs are tough to write and I find it hard to write PURE songs about affairs of the heart as they always seem to end up sounding to twee for my liking, so when I do write one (UNWIND, BREAKDOWN, FORGIVENESS, WOMANKIND) I try to take a slightly off centre view point…it doesn’t always work, but I have fun trying. This one is principally about how relationships can bring out the worst in people when it supposed to be the happiest time of our lives…"

'Doing The Best That I Can': "In a word: FRUSTRATION. How many times have you had a great idea and all the energy in the world to pull it off, but it just doesn’t happen? No matter how hard you try the plan just doesn’t come together. It is a very personal lyric and the tune is something new for me…I have tried to push the envelop a little across this EP, nothing TOO dramatic but I hate repeating myself and so look for a new path every time. The structure was a challenge and Dean set up a beautiful curve ball in the middle 8; we were struggling to find a place to take the tune and he came up with the changes…nice one."

'Money Goes (Ebb And Flow)': "Weird title huh? Well, yes but it was the only way of illustrating the message for me. I have spent a lot of time in my life wondering what the hell I have spent my cash on. Even though I have bought nothing!!!! You know what I mean? Last tour I couldn’t believe how expensive life had become…it seems that no matter how much I seemed to have in my pocket there was always someone demanding a piece…now, I am not materialistic in the slightest, after all, you can only wear one pair of shoes and play one guitar at a time, but I cannot seem to keep hold of any of my brass…perhaps that is the point: DON’T KEEP IT!!!! It is hard to pull your self out of that ‘I must have that’ attitude or the ‘work is the only way to live’ thing…isn’t it? I don’t believe it is, but like us all, I spend a lot of time worrying about it, and end up having to face reality…ho hum…life goes on…"

'Lucky': "Ok, so we all know this track and I got scolded by many for leaving it off of the first EP, but there was a good reason. I had not finished it…unlike the other tracks on the first disc, this one needed playing in a bit and it had to find its way on to the record without to much persuasion…sounds weird that I know, but it is true; some songs need a little coaxing and this is one of them. The lyric is about those lazy brethren amongst us who, despite living in a country with amazing benefits, health care, good schools, great wealth levels and relative safety, still believe life owes them something…I don’t get it! I am not trying to preach but really no matter who you are, what kind of up bringing you had, how much you may or may not have, life is a one shot deal and we have it easy! Try livin' in the Sudan, or Iraq! Don’t get me started…Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!"

Click here to order the EP.

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