Former BENEDICTION / BOLT THROWER Vocalist Resurfaces

November 7, 2005, 19 years ago

hot flashes news bolt thrower benediction

Evilution Magazine has posted an interview with vocalist Dave Ingram, formerly of BENEDICTION and also BOLT THROWER, currently in DOWNLORD.

The following are excerpts from the interview:

Please give us your version of the split with Bolt Thrower. Do you agree with the official announcement and what lies behind the statement “due to long-standing health and personal problems?"

“Both myself and Bolt Thrower talked over what the press release should say, and we were all in agreement over it. To start, I’ll say that I enjoyed every single moment of being a part of the Bolt Thrower war-machine, and will carry those memories with pride through the rest of my life. My illness really began way back in 2000 when my sister committed suicide. I just never got over it. I suffered some severe depressions, and had to take medications and see psychiatrists because of it. It didn’t get any better; in fact it got a lot worse. I had a nervous and mental breakdown (it all got a bit Twelve Monkeys for a time) at the beginning of 2004, and I needed to pick up the pieces of my life and start rebuilding. To do this would – and did – take time, and I told Bolt Thrower that I didn’t want them to suffer unduly. It was a very hard decision to make, but my departure from the band was necessary for me to concentrate on regaining my mental health, and for Bolt Thrower not to have been put on hold. It just wouldn’t have been fair to them had I remained. This is the first time I’ve spoken about my illness to people other than family/friends/doctors and this last couple of years, when I was experiencing all this turmoil, now seem somewhat removed and distant. Even though it wasn’t quite so long ago.”

You are now back with Downlord. Please introduce the band and give a few comments on how it all started – and perhaps a brief explanation of the idea behind the name Downlord?

“There’s me on vocals, Donovan Spenceley (guitar), Rene Falther (guitar), Thomas Fagerlind (bass) and Jesper Frost (drums). It originally started back in late 2004. Rene was working with our previous drummer and bass player, and he contacted me to see if I’d be interested in jamming with them and possibly joining. I took along my long-time buddy Donovan and we all felt that we could produce something concrete, so we agreed to work together. Originally, the band was called Full Scale Hatred but we just weren’t too happy with that. Mainly because we’re tired of the overt negativity prevailing through metal lyrics. Of course, that kind of thing perfectly suits death metal, but we just didn’t feel 100% comfortable with that name, especially in the climate of the world today. We spent a long time figuring out a name, with a lot of different ideas. One evening we sat down and wrote out a huge list, while getting drunk, and discussed them all. A few days later (once we’d recovered) I looked back over the list, and the almost illegible handwriting due to the copious amounts of alcohol we’d consumed and saw ‘Downlord’ on there. I think we’d tried to write DownLOAD but we were just SO wasted that night, so you can say the name was fueled by booze. But back to that ‘negativity’ thing... I’m not disrespecting death metal for that; it’s just that in my experience through the last eight years of life, I’ve found that something positive can always come out of something negative.”

To read the entire interview, head to Evilution Magazine and to visit Downlord's newly launched website, click here.

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