HENRY ROLLINS - "Conservatives Are, At Heart, Cowards; Real Freedom And Democracy Scares Them"

February 22, 2011, 13 years ago

hot flashes news henry rollins

UK-based Kerrang! recently caught up with ROLLINS BAND frontman, actor and political commentator Henry Rollins. He voiced his opinion the political climate and change currently underway in the Middle East:

"It’s all well and good but what comes next there is key. What is interesting to me is how much some people in America were against what happened there. That says a lot. For some, democracy spreading across Muslim countries gets in the way of the Military-Industrial Complex. You can’t invade a democratic country. You will no longer be able to demonise and marginalise these people. You will lose the big jewel in the fear crown: The War On Terror. When this happens, which it will, the USA will no longer be able to justify its military budget and aggressive global posture. Conservatives are. at heart, cowards. Real freedom and democracy scares them.”

Click here for more at RockAAA.com.

Following the announcement of Rollins' multiple night stands in New York and Los Angeles and the very special birthday shows at National Geographic, another 22 shows have been announced as Henry's 50 rolls on. A full list of dates can be viewed below; general onsale is January 28th.


17 - Harrisburg, PA - Whitaker Center
18 - Philadelphia, PA - World Café Live
19 - Pawtucket, RI - The Met
20 - Cambridge, MA - Brattle Theater
21 - Annapolis, MD - Rams Head On Stage
22 - Northampton, MA - Iron Horse
23 - Norfolk, CT - Infinity Hall
24 - Toronto, ON - The Great Hall
25 - Cleveland, OH - Museum of Art
26 - Chicago, IL - Mercury Theater
27 - Madison, MN - Great Hall at UW
28 - Minneapolis, MN - Cedar Cultural Center
30 - Evanton, IL - Space
31 - Dekalb, IL - Otto's


1 - Urbana, IL - Canopy Club
2 - Kansas City, KS - The Record Bar
3 - Denver, CO - Soiled Dove
5 - Portland, OR - Alberta Rose Theater
6 - Seattle, WA - Triple Door
8 - Brookdale, CA - Historic Brookdale Lodge
9 - San Francisco, CA - Independent
10 - Sausalito, CA - Cavallo Point Chapel

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