KIX Reunion Is "No Interest"

September 4, 2005, 18 years ago

news rock hard kix

Steve Whiteman, lead singer of KIX/FUNNY MONEY, spoke to about a number of topics including whether or not the band will reform for any long period of time: "No, it really is of no interest," says Whiteman. "Brian (Forsythe) has another project called RHINO BUCKET that was a band when we were around. They recently got back together and hired him as a guitar player. They just got a small record deal. I tried to get Ronnie (Younkins) in Funny Money, and he thought about it hard and long, and he said 'You know what, I'm really happy doing my own thing.' Jimmy and I've got Funny Money. Funny Money is a combination of KIX music and new music that we've written since. We've got four CDs out and we're working on our fifth right now. I enjoy going out, I love giving the old fans the old music, but I love giving them the new music. I just shove it right down their throat whether they like it or not."

To read the entire interview head to this location.

Kix perform September 17 at the North American Rod and Gun Club in Hagerstown, MD.

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