KREATOR - Police Arrest Indonesian Store Owner For Selling T-Shirts Emblazoned With Communism Symbol

May 9, 2016, 8 years ago

news heavy metal kreator

KREATOR - Police Arrest Indonesian Store Owner For Selling T-Shirts Emblazoned With Communism Symbol

Kebayoran Baru Police in the Indonesian subdistrict of South Jakarta have arrested a store owner in Blok M and his employee for selling t-shirts containing the hammer and sickle logo, which was adopted by communist organizations around the world, including the long-prohibited Indonesian Communist Party (PKI), reports Coconuts Jakarta.

The clothing in question was actually just t-shirts of German thrash metal band Kreator, which just happened to feature the hammer and sickle logo. For that reason, the police admitted that the suspects may not have been trying to spread communist propaganda.

“At the moment they’re just being questioned. There is no indication of treason. According to the suspects, they didn’t know it was the PKI symbol [on the t-shirts],” said Kebayoran Baru Police Chief Ary Purwanto, as quoted by Detik today.

Read more at Coconuts Jakarta.


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