MEJIBRAY - New Track Featuring Guest Appearance By Ex-BLOOD STAIN CHILD Vocalist Online

September 8, 2012, 11 years ago

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Former BLOOD STAIN CHILD vocalist Sophia recently checked in with the following update:

"A while ago, MEJIBRAY asked me to do a guest vocal appearance on one of their songs. They're one of the new Visual Kei bands I appreciate overall, so I thought it would be a cool idea to make this kind of collaboration. The song I took part in is called 'Black Baccarat'. Recordings were fun and I hope you will all enjoy the result!"

Check out the full audio clip below:

Mejibray recently issued an official video for their new single 'Sadisgate'. Check it out below:

For information on the Mejibray check out their English language Facebook page here. Go to the band's official website here.

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