Portsmouth's New Lord Mayor Enters Ceremony To METALLICA's "Eye Of The Beholder"; Video

May 18, 2023, a year ago

news heavy metal metallica

Portsmouth's New Lord Mayor Enters Ceremony To METALLICA's "Eye Of The Beholder"; Video

BBC News is reporting that a new lord mayor decided to break with tradition and play Metallica when he entered the mayor making ceremony.

Councillor Tom Coles walked into Portsmouth Guildhall on Tuesday to the song "Eye Of The Beholder", from Metallica's …And Justice For All album. The Labour Portsmouth City Council councillor then went on to give a speech that included a quote in the Star Trek language of Klingon. See video below.

He told BBC Radio Solent he decided to "go with what he liked". "It went down well with the audience, I had a really good feedback," he said.

Mr Coles said he was "a big heavy metal fan" and talking about the song he chose, he added: "It's a good song to walk in to. It's got a little build-up and then it's got a good beat, it's a great song."

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