VANDEN PLAS - Paintings Inspired By Abydos Rock Opera; Gallery Available

December 31, 2007, 16 years ago

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Santiago Munoz Prado's paintings, inspired by VANDEN PLAS singer Andy Kuntz' rock opera Abydos, are available for viewing at this virtual gallery.

Here are Andy Kuntz' comments:

"Some nice, quaint and also mysterious little stories happened on the long way of Abydos from the studio to the stage. I'm in the process of writing them down and maybe we will publish them on our home-page one day. One of these stories is about the artist Santiago... a very talented young man, in my opinion.

If you invent a story like Abydos, you're without a doubt also inspired by other musicians or authors. There is a book which captures the same spirit which characterizes Abydos: The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. I didn't take any contents from this book but it inspired me like no other book during the last years. It tells me something which I also see in 'Abydos': In both stories a young man believes in the power of dreams and uses his will to achieve something because he relies on himself. So much for the introduction.

When Abydos started at the theatre, this young artist called Santiago contacted me. He felt fascinated in his very own way by Abydos and asked me for my permission to paint the songs of the play. I'm always open for any artistic matters and immediately liked the idea. Even more, I was thrilled and agreed. From then on, every week he showed me one or two new paintings, beautiful and very individual paintings. I was very impressed and we as a band decided to give this artist the chance to present his pictures to a broader audience. From today on, the paintings can be seen on our home-page. Contact him if you like!

This story belongs to the fabulous and lovely kind, especially if you consider that the young hero and visionary in Coelho's book is called Santiago, too!"

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