BLACK LABEL SOCIETY - The European Invasion Doom Troopin’ Live

August 29, 2006, 18 years ago

(Eagle Vision)

Martin Popoff

Rating: 8.5

review black label society

BLACK LABEL SOCIETY - The European Invasion Doom Troopin’ Live

Oh man, these songs sound so much heavier and groovier live. I mean, if he’d a’ played ‘Stoned And Drunk’ and then left the stage stoned and drunk, I’d be a happy Parisian or resident of London, the two types of Chapter members at the shows comprising disc one. Zakk begins with his polka-dot randy Rhoads guitar, moving on to his bullseye, all the while drinking those lined-up beers, while his band shoves these AiC-weighty songs down our throats. The sound roars and rumbles, and all manner of interest-keeping film tricks are used, but not to the point of any distraction. Paris is 16 tracks, with the London material adding four more, all repeats. The real fun, of course, comes with the backstage and on the road footage, including working out at home with Hendrix, a Swedish ferry trip, knocking over monitors, throwing guitars, a revealing look at the map, buying booze and wieners, trying Plopp, Craig being hungover, Zakk soloing in a Munich dressing room, Zakk telling London about Dime, Nick channeling Dime for ‘Stranglehold’, all the while Zakk quipping about the chaos. And all of it is well segued, spiffy graphics everywhere, not a dull moment… one big malt-sipping society, even in London, which seems weird for such an American band, but hey, it’s spread like an infection.

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